Inflation Cents

How to Win the War on Inflation

war on inflation

The war on inflation has begun. The price of everything from oil and gas to food and housing are all on the rise. If this trend continues, you could see your savings dwindle away to nothing in a matter of months. The war on inflation is getting worse by the day as governments around the world try to keep their economies afloat.

It was only a few years ago that the economy was booming. Then the pandemic hit and things began to change as work places were shut down and we were encouraged and sometimes even forced to stay at home. Once the administration of the U.S. changed in January of 2021 they added even more stimulus checks continued flooding into our hands and we went crazy spending it. Of course, supply and demand kicks in and prices rise. 

The supply chains shut down from overseas and even more demand was added to the things we could no longer get. You guessed it– prices went up. I actually import from overseas and I can tell you that the price of shipping went up close to 2.5X — that’s not 2.5% that’s 2.5 times. so a $1000 shipment now costs over $2500. I cannot stay in business very long if I don’t raise my prices. There is no getting around it.

The best way to protect yourself against rising prices is to start saving before it gets too bad. Unfortunately, now that it is at 9.1% in the U.S.A. it is a little late to start saving. Now it is time to start spending wisely. Here are a few thoughts on how to win the war on inflation now that it has invaded. We can win the war one battle at a time.

Inflation is one of those things we don’t really think about until it happens to us. When you do finally realize that you are paying more for your groceries, it can be a shock. However, when you start saving money on your grocery bills, you might just feel like you won a battle with inflated prices.

The best way to save money on your food is to shop at Sam’s Club or one of the other discount big box stores. They offer great deals and they also give you a lot of free samples. So, if you have some extra time, you should definitely try shopping there.

Another thing you could do to save money on your grocery bill is to use coupons. There are many websites that allow people to share their coupon codes online. If you want to get a head start, then you should sign up for an account on the website of the store where you plan to buy your groceries. Then, you should start searching for the right coupons and you should print them out.

If you want to keep track of how much you’re spending, you should set up a budget. This will help you to figure out what you can afford to spend on your groceries each week. You can also use this to see if you are buying too much or not enough.

Check out this article to win the battle of higher grocery prices

How to Win the Battle with Higher Fuel Prices

Gas and diesel prices have soared through the roof. It was only a few years ago we were energy independent and then pipelines were closed and drilling limited and we are now begging oil from other countries. Gas prices are rising due to the war on inflation. To win this battle, you need to save as much gas as possible by making small changes in your life.

You can fight against inflation with some simple strategies. The first thing you need to do is to learn how much money you spend each month on fuel. Then, you should compare that number to the average monthly income. If your spending exceeds the average income, then you need to make adjustments.

The best way to adjust is to cut back on unnecessary expenses. You should also try to find ways to reduce the amount of driving you do. You should consider using public transportation, carpooling, or taking a bus instead of going alone.

If you’re worried about losing money because of higher gas prices, then you should also look into buying an electric vehicle. This is one of the most environmentally friendly vehicles on the market today. We should all be able to reach into our back pockets and pull out $80,000 plus to buy an electric or you could just walk.

Check out this article for more information on winning the Battle on Higher Fuel Prices.

How to Win the Battle with Higher Utility Bills

The cost of utilities in the United States is increasing every year. This is why it’s important for you to save as much money as possible. So, if you want to win this battle with inflated utility bills, you need to take some action.

There are many ways to reduce your energy costs. One way is to install solar panels. This is a great option because they will help you to cut down your electric bill. Also, you can get a wind turbine. These two options will allow you to generate electricity yourself. It might take a few years to get your intitial costs back so let’s look at a couple easier options.

Another way to lower your energy bill is by installing smart thermostats. These devices will make sure that you don’t waste too much heat or cold air. They also give you the chance to control the temperature of your home remotely.

Another thing you could do to save on your energy bill is to switch to LED bulbs. Not only will these bulbs last longer, but they use less power than regular lightbulbs. You should also replace old appliances with new ones. For example, you could buy a washing machine that uses less water and energy.

Don’t forget to turn your lights off when you leave a room and don’t turn them on until you actually need the light. Don’t run the AC 24/7 give it a break when it cools down late noght early morning. That smart thermostat can help with those adjustments. Many of us keep our refrigerators set lower than they need to be so check that out and the fridge won’t run as often. You can find more tricks to lower your fixed bills and help you to win the battle on higher utility prices HERE! 

Final Thoughts to Win the War on Inflation

In conclusion, the first step in fighting inflation is to identify it as it happens. The best way to do this is by looking at your spending habits and lifestyle. You don’t have to change everything you do and spend money on—just make sure you’re not spending too much money on unnecessary expenses, such as buying expensive cars, big houses, and designer clothes. The second step is to cut back on your spending. By reducing your spending, you’ll not only help yourself, you’ll also help your family. Learn how to live within your means.

This group of articles on How to Win the War on Inflation was written be business owner Dennis Snyder. He has two online businesses — Codaicen Fishing and Concerning Life Products.  Dennis is an avid fisherman and travels extensively.

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