Inflation Cents

How to Win the Battle on Higher Utility Prices

higher utility prices

It seems crazy, but today the battle rages on Higher utility prices in many parts of North America. The average household is paying more than $700 per month just to meet their basic energy needs. And unfortunately, this situation isn’t going away any time soon.

The price hikes aren’t happening because the power companies have been greedy. They haven’t been able to do anything to increase supply to keep the cost of electricity down. Instead, these huge bills can often be traced back to problems with infrastructure and our current administration. When the grid goes down, a whole bunch of people have to pay higher rates for less reliable power generation. 

The cost to produce energy has skyrocketed because of restrictions that have been put on companies that produce our energy.

There is also another problem that has led to these massive rate increases: the fact that we many live in urban areas. Urban areas tend to have lots of people, and the need for extra capacity to handle peak demand makes it necessary to raise prices. This means that even though you may only use your air conditioner four times a year, you’ll still end up paying a lot of money each time that it runs.

Higher utility prices can be a major problem for many people. They may struggle to pay their bills, and they might even lose their homes. This is why it’s important to take steps to lower your energy usage. Your home heating gas bill has gone up 38.4% and home electric  bill is up 13.7%. The war is on but the battle can be won.

Saving On Your Electric Bills

The best way to do this is to use more efficient appliances. For example, you could replace your old refrigerator with a new one. Or maybe you should install a central air conditioner in your home instead of using a window unit.

It’s also possible to save money by installing solar panels. This is a great option if you live in a sunny area. You will not only benefit from cheaper electricity rates, but you’ll also be helping the environment and get a kick-back from the government.

If you don’t want to spend too much time or money on these options, then you should consider investing in LED bulbs. These are the most efficient type of light bulb available today. The savings that you get will add up over time, and you won’t have to worry about replacing them again anytime soon.

Another thing that you can do is to switch off lights when you leave a room. This will help your electric bill because it will reduce the amount of power that you are consuming. If you really need to turn on a light, then make sure that you use the lowest setting possible.

Saving energy can be as simple as turning off lights, unplugging appliances when not in use, or changing light bulbs. But there are ways to save even more – like using solar power to run your home. Solar panels generate electricity from sunlight. They are an easy and cost-effective way to reduce the amount of electricity you use.

Solar power systems work best in areas with high levels of sun exposure. You’ll need a lot of space for your system, so it may only be feasible for large homes. The average homeowner who installs a small (less than 2kW) photovoltaic panel pays between $10,000 and $20,000 for installation costs and roughly $0.08 per kWh annually in electric bills.

The initial investment will pay itself back over time. For example, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that homeowners will see a return on investment after five years of between 4.2 and 9.1 cents per kilowatt hour of installed solar capacity. After 10 years, the numbers increase to 6.6 to 12.9 cents/kWh. Eventually, as climate change becomes more of a concern for many, we may not have a choice but to add solar panels to our homes and businesses.

Saving On Heat Bills

Heating your home is expensive. You may spend up to $3,000 per year in heating costs alone, which is why it is important to use as much natural gas savings as possible when you are planning for future energy needs.

You can save money by installing a smart thermostat and monitoring its usage with an app. Some smart thermostats offer the ability to automatically adjust the temperature based on weather forecasts or occupancy patterns. Other thermostats have built-in wireless sensors that allow you to monitor the air quality in the house, which is helpful if you suffer from allergies. 

The most common method of saving on heat is through efficient insulation and windows. When working correctly, these measures will help keep your home at a comfortable temperature while using less energy overall. If you live in a cold area, consider making sure you are well insulated in the attic.

Another option is to invest in high-efficiency appliances. You can look for models that use little electricity, such as those with LED lights, or ones that are more environmentally friendly, like clothes washers and dishwashers.

Saving On Trash Bills

Saving money is always a good thing. But saving money by recycling your trash is even better. Recycling not only helps reduce pollution in our environment but it also saves us money. Many cities offer residents the opportunity to recycle free of charge and there are some things that you can do to save even more. The most obvious is making sure you have adequate storage space for all the recyclables you plan on putting away. You should also consider purchasing a reusable container to store any items you collect. For instance, if you collect aluminum cans you may want to purchase a bag made from recycled material or a collapsible tin can that is easy for kids to open and close.

The easiest way to get started recycling at home is to make use of the many resources available online. Many states now require businesses to post signs with information on where they accept recyclable materials. In addition, there are also websites that provide tips on how to properly sort and handle these items. These sites will give you an idea of what to look out for when going through the process. If you already recycle regularly then there are plenty of opportunities available. 

You can also save on your monthly trash bill by calling around to the different companies that serve your community and asking their prices. It might even be benificial to call your current company and ask for a lower price. My brother did that when they raised his monthly fee and they lowered it back down to the former price. Of course he told them if they did not lower it he was changing companies. 

You could also bag your trash and drop it off at the nearest dumpster and cancel your current trash pick-up. I don’t recommend this unless you contact the owner of the dumpster and ask. Who knows they might just say yes, especially, if they don’t fill the dumpster anyway.

Saving On Water Bills

A water-saving shower head uses less than 1/4th of a gallon per minute. In contrast, a standard shower head can use up to 3 gallons per minute. Most homes have more showers than baths, so the impact of using the wrong kind of shower head is considerable. To save even more water, you can install low flow toilets.

These toilets use anywhere from 10 to 20 gallons of water each time you flush. Because of the huge number of flushes that occur every day, it makes sense to get as much efficiency out of your toilet as possible – just be sure not to put too many restrictions in place. For example, don’t tell everyone that you need to cut down on flushing; instead, let them know that you want them to flush only when neccessary. They might actually appreciate the fact that you are being considerate. Usually water and sewer bills are together and the sewer bill is the higher of the two. Less flushes means less cost. My wife and I only flush on #2. Of course it is just her and I. You can also buy toilets that have a special flush for #1 and another for #2 saving water on the #1 flush.

My Final Thoughts on How to Win the Battle on Higher Utility Prices

In conclusion, Utilities companies have been slow to respond to rising demand and price pressures, in part due to uncertainty around renewable energy sources and the impact of climate change on electricity demand. There are three simple ways to reduce your utility costs: upgrade to a new model, lower your thermostat by one or two degrees, or install low-flow toilets. It doesn’t matter which one you choose; each can save you money on heating and cooling. Upgrading to a new model will typically pay for itself in a few years. Choosing a thermostat lower than 65 degrees can save you $500 a year. Low-flow toilets can cut your water bill by up to 50 percent.

If you want to learn more on how to win the Battle on Higher Grocery Prices Click Here. 

To learn more on winning the battle on HigherFuel Prices Click Here

Articles written by Business owner Dennis Snyder who operates two small businesses online— and Stop  by his websites and see what he has to offer. was founded in May 2022. Yes we are new and upcoming. is reader supported, some products displayed may earn us an affiliate commission if you purchase through our links.


  1. […] Don’t forget to turn your lights off when you leave a room and don’t turn them on until you actually need the light. Don’t run the AC 24/7 give it a break when it cools down late noght early morning. That smart thermostat can help with those adjustments. Many of us keep our refrigerators set lower than they need to be so check that out and the fridge won’t run as often. You can find more tricks to lower your fixed bills and help you to win the battle on higher utility prices HERE!  […]

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