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What Is The Best Investment For Short Term? 2023

What Is The Best Investment For Short Term?

 If you’re looking to know What Is The Best Investment For Short Term? We will give you some help here with some explanations. A short-term investment factors in liquidity, expectations, and risks. Investing money for the short term so you can have access to it in the near future, many options are available. You’d look for an option that keeps your cash liquid, so it’s easily accessible, and invest in a way that doesn’t let you lose too much capital.

Short-term investments minimize risks but with lower returns than long-term investments. Read on if you’re looking for the best investment for the short term.

A short-term investment is usually made with money at a certain time. It’s an investment you can easily convert to cash because you need the money soonest.

This type of investment usually takes from two to five years. Shorter ones are high-saving yield accounts and money market accounts. Investment in stocks means you’d not need the money for at least five years, and it’s not guaranteed. After a market plunge, it may take months or years to get your money back. 

One can expect optimum returns to meet financial goals with short-term investments but not massive results as in long-term investments. Because of its lower risks, it tops the list among seasoned investors.

Best Investment For Short-Term Options

High-Yield Savings Account

A high-yield savings account is an alternative to a checking account which pays little interest on deposits. It works best for risk-averse investors and for those who need money in the short term. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) insure HSA accounts, eliminating the possibility of one losing money.

However, those who hold their money for longer may have to deal with inflation. 

For the best interest rates, ensure to compare high-yield savings accounts, the rates can range from 3.00% to 4.30%.

Money Market Accounts

You should consider money market accounts if you want access to your money in the near future without any strings attached. They are also known as liquid funds and are another kind of bank deposit that offer higher interest rates than regular savings accounts. 

They offer a maturity limit of 91 days, high liquidity, and little to no risks. The returns on money market funds are not fixed but expect a half way decent interest rate per annum from the MMF.

You can open money market accounts at many banks or credit unions to get started. 

Short-Term Bond Funds

Bond funds are a good investment for the money you’d need in two to three years. Bond funds are good for investors who want a diversified portfolio but do not want to go through the stress of analyzing individual bonds. They are also great for individual investors without enough money for individual bonds.

A bond is a loan to a corporation or government that pays back a fixed rate of return. Though it has a few risks, it’s considered safer than stocks. The potential interest rate for investors is 4% or more, depending on how much risk you can take. For reduced risk, consider government bond funds issued by the U.S. government and municipal bonds issued by states and cities. 

You can purchase short-term bond funds from any online broker which offers ETF and mutual funds.

Fixed Deposits

In bank fixed deposits, the individual puts a lump sum of money in the bank for a fixed period. This fund is non-withdrawable until the end of the fixed period. This is one of the safest short-term investments with fixed interest and guaranteed returns.

The fixed periods can range anywhere from 7 days, 30 days, 45 days even up to several years. It is open for renewals on maturity, and one can reinvest. 

Current interest rates for fixed deposits are about 4.00% to 7.25% for an investment of about a year. They offer safety to investors as the interest rate doesn’t change even in the case of market volatility. 

Cash Management Account

This is another short-term savings account that allows you the option to invest money in various short-term investments. A cash management account is a type of account offered by Robo-advisors and online investment firms or online brokers. It’s a liquid cash account that offers numerous features like check writing, mobile check deposit, money transfers, bill pay, goal setting, and overdraft programs. 

Cash management accounts are extremely liquid, and withdrawals are possible anytime. So, they have an advantage over high-yield savings and money market accounts where withdrawals are limited.

Factors That Determine A Good Short-Term Investment

There are different ways to invest money in the short term. However, the best investment for the short term is usually determined by three major factors or traits:


Good short-term investments are stable; they don’t fluctuate in value easily, as with stocks and bonds. The best good short-term investment options tend to have a low risk of losing money within one month to five years. Your money is usually insured by FDIC insurance or a guarantee by the government.


A good short-term investment should be liquid; that is, it should be accessible within the short stipulated time frame. Liquidity refers to how easily or quickly you can access your cash. For example, money is readily available with cash management accounts, and you can withdraw your cash anytime.

Low Transaction Costs

Will the investment require that you pay to access or make transactions? 

A good short-term investment shouldn’t charge exorbitant fees to invest or access your money. So when choosing an investment option, you would want to look out for this.

The Bottom Line When it Comes to: What Is The Best Investment For Short Term?

Short-term investments are typically safer than longer-term investments and are perfect for seasoned investors who are averse to risks. To know the best investment for short-term money, weigh all contributing factors and go with the one which aligns with your financial objectives.

Yotta Savings Account

Most banks offer savings accounts where you can deposit money and receive interest on your money after a while. Yotta Savings works similarly but has a twist; it uses a lottery-based system to award cash prizes to users daily. The prizes run from .02 cents–$1,000,000.00 and the tickets are based on how much you have in the savings account. Just for a bit of clarity — these tickets cost you absolutely nothing!

 On a quick scan of the Yotta Savings Website you’d see that customers can win cash bonuses or grand prizes like a new Tesla. If you sign up make sure you use DENNIS456 and we’ll both get 100 tickets. It also promises no minimum balance requirements and secured funds by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC).


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