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12 Funny Ways to Save Money

funny ways to save money

If you’re after some hilarious ways to save money, here are 12 funny ways to save money:

With the increasing cost of things, it’s no surprise everyone is looking for ways to cut down their expenses and save on cash. We can all use a little more money in our purses or wallets, and you’d be surprised to find many funny ways to save money. Some will make you laugh, and others will help you save extra cash. We also have a post on 7 tips to save money that will help you save.

Have you showered this week already? Good.

Then you can cut down on your water bill by going the rest of the week without showering. It’s a good way to cut down on water and energy bills and, of course, save more money.

If you’re not so cool with stopping showering, you can start taking shorter showers. Instead of leaving the tap running as you lather on, turn off the faucet and rinse off (using a timer, perhaps), and you’ll be able to conserve your water.

2. Eat A Raw Diet

A raw food diet is primarily made up of fruits, nuts, and vegetables. It’s another way to save money on cooking and gas bills because you no longer have to cook your meals. Instead, stock up on raw fruits and vegetables.

Of course, it may not be for everybody, but try it and see how much it would help you save.

3. Cut Your Own Hair

Instead of spending money at the salon, especially if you’re on a tight budget, why not cut your hair yourself?

It’s a recipe for disaster if you have no prior experience with haircutting. However, if it’s to shave your hair off or just a slight trim, you should get a little knowledge of trimming and hairstyling. Binge-watch a few videos on Youtube on how to cut hair.

4. Pretend You Forgot Christmas

Christmas and other festive periods come with expenses, as you’d have to buy presents, trees, and decorations. If you’re on a tight budget, why not pretend Christmas doesn’t exist and save up more?

You could also save on energy bills as you won’t have Christmas lights up for 24 hours daily.

5. Turn Off The Heat

If you live in a colder climate or during winter, you can save money by turning off the heating. Wear clothes in layers. It may be uncomfortable, but it’s cheaper to pay for a lower energy bill. If the cold gets too much, consider doing housework that requires you to move around and causes a sweat.

6.Reuse Grey Water Or Collect Rainwater

Another funny way to save money is to reuse grey water or collect rainwater. Grey water is wastewater from activities other than cooking or drinking. You can use this water to flush your toilet, water your garden and wash the car. 

It may sound unusually frugal, but it’s common among many people as it’s eco-friendly and money-saving.

7. Opt-In For Reusable Products

Most items come in either disposal or reusable format. Instead of buying disposables which may be cheaper upfront, go for reusables. These will save you a whole lot of money in the long run. Reusable products include spoons, plates, sanitary pads, diapers, etc.

8. Take A Snack When You Go Shopping

Research has shown that people are more likely to buy more when they are hungry. So, avoid the temptation by taking a snack with you as you shop. A better alternative is to eat and be full before going out.

9. Stop Drinking Coffee

Coffees are expensive, and buying coffee daily can become an expensive habit in no time. Instead of buying coffee, why not brew yours at home? Or better still, ditch the habit. 

There are other ways to get your caffeine fix, and these include tea and energy drinks. 

10. Use Coupons For Everything

Coupons can be used anywhere, from grocery stores to boutiques and electronic shops. Always take note of deals, store coupons and use them for your shopping. This will save you money instead of paying full price; you’re paying less, sometimes as low as 50% off.

11. Use A Torch When It’s Dark Or Sleep Early

This is a pretty unusual way to save money and can come as being frugal with money. Using torches instead of electric lamps or lightbulbs helps save the electric bill. Getting used to just one bulb to light up the house may take a while. However, it will cut costs drastically.

12. Find An Alternative To Toilet Paper

One of the last on our list of funny ways to save money is using an alternative to toilet paper. If you’re tight on budget, toilet paper may be too expensive. 

Why not try eco-friendly alternatives like a “family cloth”? 

You could use an old piece of clothing or towel as your family cloth. After using, wash with hot water and dry for the next use.

Final Thoughts on Funny Ways to Save Money

If you’ve been looking for funny ways to save money, these 12 tips should get you started. Some may be funny and make you laugh, while others may just seem gross. However, the goal is to save on cash using any available method. Here are some tips on setting up some rainy day savings.

From stopping showering to finding an alternative to toilet paper, experiment with each of these and see which works for you.


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